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This is group for women only at this time.  We may expand it in the future. 

Anyone identifying and living full-time as a woman is welcome. 

Women of ANY religion are WELCOME, but, that said, all participants must be Pagan friendly and respectful of differences.  No proselytizing will be permitted.  This is being held at a Pagan Temple....

The curriculae we will be using, "Rise Up and Call Her Name" and "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven" are UU curriculae, but we will also be doing other things as led by each woman of this group, all of whom will be peers and equals.  The curriculae mentioned will be very loosely facilitated by our HPS Lianna, but only because she just happens to have the materials.  :O) 

Snacks and drinks to share will be welcome.  Something baked by Lianna and tea and coffee will always be provided.

We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of the month, and once we start to meet, if we decide we'd like to meet more often, every week for example, or on a different night, we can change this as a group.

The first meeting, in order to advertise this new group and give people a chance to plan for it, will be on:

August 13  from 6-8 pm

The 2nd meeting will be on August 27, and so forth. 

If the group changes the day or time of these meetings it will be posted on our website at:

This group will meet for a minimum of 12 meetings, but can continue to meet after that if the group wishes.

If you are interested, please RSVP to and get directions from:


(We cannot advertise our location publicly for safety and privacy reasons)

Blessed be!

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