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Sylvan Hearth Pagan Temple has a few different traditions of Wicca to offer to anyone who would like to learn and/or join a Coven.   Classes are ongoing at various levels.  They begin with an introduction to Wicca, Paganism, a history of the occult and a "Who's Who" of people and traditions as well as an introduction to those trads offered here and their facilitators and clergy.  This is a great opportunity to get questions answered.   Degree requirements, system and structure, etc. will all be explained fully.

Classes will begin with these 4 "Introductory Groves" on 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings:  January 8, 15, 22 and 29, from 6 to 9 pm.  (We may finish before 9 pm, that depends a bit on the group)

After these conclude, attendees can make an informed decision as to whether or not they would like to continue with formal study, and with whom.  There is generally a period of "outer court" formal study, often preceded by a dedicatory initiation ritual, during which many basics are learned and students have time to decide further whether or not this is something they wish to truly commit to, and teachers have a chance to evaluate students readiness, needs and abilities. 

Membership in a Coven is usually the goal, but not always, and students may choose to request membership in a Coven after their first year and a day of training, or not.   It is also good to keep in mind that requests for Coven membership are not always granted.  The reasons for that will be explained during the Introductory Groves as well. 

If you are interested in signing up, please call 828-331-8688.

Classes are free.   Donations are always appreciated to help keep the Temple doors open.